"God draws close to man., He calls man to seek him, to know him, to live him, with all his strength." (CCC1.1)
Fostering their faith in Jesus Christ and communion with the Blessed Trinity is at the center of Youth Faith Formation in order to draw them into a responsible participation in the life, mission, and ministry of the Catholic Church. AT the elementary grade levels, adult mentors present scripture, lives of the saints, and traditional prayer practices to nurture the soil of our hearts and grant a greater sensitivity to their spirit so they may grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.
Second Graders are prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion. (For Diocesan policy on First Reconciliation and First Communion, visit htdiocese.org; Offices; Youth Formation; Policies for Coordinators of Youth Formation, First Communion and Confession Policy)
High School students are mentored through a process in applying Catholic priniciples in order to maintain a character that is opn to the power by the Holy Spirit to become a Great Witness for Jesus Christ. (For Diocesan policy on Confirmation, visit htdiocese.org; Youth Formation; Policies for Corrdinators of Youth Formation; Confirmation policy)